Supercharge Your CMS: Speed Up Website Load it faster than bullet
Nobody likes slow loading sites, if your site is not properly optimize you may loose visitors, you might get penalized by Google and other Search engine algorithm. Here is case study I am presenting how I improve a site speed dramatically.
I was sitting in a conference when I received the email below from John, CEO of ITFIXLONDON, he wrote
“Hi we have this computer repair website called we want to increase the website loading speed which is currently 7 sec average analysed using different tools.I like to know if you can improve the site speed i am not expecting a precise time in seconds but still i need a rough estimate how much it can be faster in no of seconds? Thanks”
Using my smart phone I quickly went to Pingdom tool website and analysed their site. Here is the finding
Browser is making 81 requests, it spending more than 77% of the time connecting to the server. Which strike me that the server may be very slow? Digging a bit deeper it can be seen it takes 4.04 second to connect to host. I can definitely eliminate this 4 second with a fast Linux server.
Then I tested site using Google page speed insight tool. It gave a score 37 out of 100. I knew straight away I can load the site under 2 seconds. This is what I wrote back giving a quotation.
Had a quick reply back
Subject: speedup site
“Perfect its fine I’m happy to do that but before we go head i need to know in details are you going to remove any of contents? Any effects on visuals? Any effects on mobile responsive? Plus how long it will take and could you send me your company details……..”
I will not remove any content. It will not have any effect on visual.
Here is the detail what I will do:
I will group together all the CSS file combine into a single file (if possible) and minify them, same thing I going to do to javaScript file. Optimize all the images, recompile and compress them using Jpgtan and Pngoptim, furthermore I going combine some of the icon-images into a css-sprite.
It seems your inner pages are making lot of bad request (requesting for resources that are not present in the server) I remove these request/ link to resources.
I will re-tune your server, by enable gzip compression, leverage browser caching.
I will take about 4 hours
After I had access to the itfixlondon hosing cpanel, I clone the site to pc and uploaded a copy to my London based VPS server. The result was amazing site loaded under 2 second.
I recommended to them, they should change their hosting to UK based data center as their audience is based in UK.
This is what Bilal another CEO of itfixlondon wrote:
“It amazing Iqbal, keep up the good work. We will change the hosting”
Their website is a custom CMS, backend is well written, but the front end templates are packed with open source frameworks such as bootrap, 3 different version jQuery, and a lot of different jquery plug-ins.
It took me whole day to supercharge the CMS and results it now loading under 1 second here is the link to pingdom test result!/VtZLJ/
And according to Google page speed insight the site score is 91 out of 100 for desktop. That is wonderful.
If want read further about optimizing your website, speed up the load time
Here is some resource book of speed