1. Bensky : A Leeds, Yorkshire based developer
BenSky, experienced freelance web designer based in Leeds, Yorkshire. Web Design, Graphic, Logo and Print Design.
site: bensky.co.uk
The domain was registered on 05-Sep-2006
The Google has indexed 63 pages and given a page rank of 3. Bing has indexed only 21 pages.
The overall Page Speed Score of 68 (out of 100).
The Global rank 1,051,977, in the world according to the three-month Alexa traffic. Visitors view an average of 2.1 unique pages per day. The content places it in the “Shadwell” category of internet sites. Roughly 44% of visitors to Bensky.co.uk come from the UK, where it has attained a traffic rank of 117,372. The time spent in a typical visit to the site is approximately two minutes, with 53 seconds spent on each page view .
The inbound links come from 265 domains.
2. The Web Maverick: A London based developer
The Web Maverick is a highly professional and affordable Joomla web designer in London, Freelance Web Designer and Freelance Web Developer. I also offer SEO services in London to boost your online business.
Site: webdesignerfreelance.co.uk
The Domain was registered on 05-Nov-2009
The Global rank is 519,713 According to Alexa traffic . Roughly 43% of visits to the site consist of only one page view (i.e., are bounces). Visitors to the site view an average of 2.9 unique pages per day. We estimate that 61% of Webdesignerfreelance.co.uk’s users are in the UK, where it has attained a traffic rank of 32,014. The site is relatively popular in the cities of Twickenham (where it is ranked #344) and London (#12,387)
Links: 501 Sites Linking In
There are 180 page indexed by Google and 78 by Bing. PR 3
The home page overall Speed Score of 69 (out of 100)
2. Iqbal’s Web design: A Sheffield based Freelance web designer
WebDesigner offer Professional Web Design, Search Engine Friendly development Service at Affordable price to hire me, please call +44 (0)7971739032.
Site: https://www.iqbalweb.co.uk
A less than 1 year old domain that was registered on 18-Jul-2011
Iqbalweb.co.uk has a three-month global Alexa traffic rank of 1,078,694. The time spent in a typical visit to the site is roughly 11 minutes, with sixty-two seconds spent on each page view. Visitors to Iqbalweb.co.uk view an average of 8.0 unique pages per day. The content of the site is places under “Web Design and Development” category.
The no. of domain linking to the site is only 153.
The home page has overall Speed Score of 94 (out of 100). iqbal’s highly evolved design technique played a role here. https://developers.google.com/pagespeed/#url=http_3A_2F_2Fwww.iqbalweb.co.uk&mobile=false
The iqbalweb is a highly optimized search engine friendly website.
The Google has indexed 36 pages Bing 23. The website has a current PR value 2.0